wow this feels so psychedelic and whimsical. kinda reminds me of ween or sweet trip a lil bit. i love it :')
wow this feels so psychedelic and whimsical. kinda reminds me of ween or sweet trip a lil bit. i love it :')
Thanks!! , yes, it has a similar sound
Awesome job bringing glory to this often unfairly maligned genre. You definitely do it justice. The chorus is incredibly well written, as any pop punk chorus should be, and the lyrics are way above par compared to alot of pop punk stuff lol. Kinda sounded a bit like Streetlight Manifesto sans the horns. But also way more atmospheric than that band? Great shit, yo
Whoa!!! That's awesome! Thank so much for listening!
Damn your guitar work is fucking killer. Very detailed and intricate, yet driving and forceful. Guitar solo is well written too, the harmonies are epic. Now all this needs is Rob Halfords vocals over the top, haha
Thanks for the review! Yes i did this Judas Priest mind! Having Rob Halford's vocals in it would be really appropriate.
Damn, that was pretty mane. Loooved the guitars especially (good wah usage). Also loved the building, linear structure, nice payoff with a great solo.
Thanks ever so much! I really tried my best with this one. Given the timeframe restrictions for the contest! I'm glad you liked it, man!
Yeeeesssss, love seeing your stuff posted on here, prolly my fav artist on this site tbh. The vocals are the highlight for me, with their animalistic yet simultaneously martial quality, super adrenaline-pumping. The guitars and percussion sound very obviously 80s-era Swans inspired but also have an industrial edge to them, similar to something Godflesh would put out (but also doom-y at the same time, which is awesome). Also the effects and feedback throughout blacken it a little bit and almost give it a dark ambient quality which is super interesting and the groove is so off-kilter yet at the same time hypnotic and tightly played. I give you kudos for your awesome work, and plan on buying this on bc when my first paycheck finally comes in. It's rare to hear an extreme metal outfit exhibit this much intensity, even nowadays with all of the different extreme subgenres/etc.
hey thanks, glad you dug it.
i was going for "public castration" type riffs with "whitehouse" styled vocals.
it was actually really hard to write the music for this album because every time i played a riff with more than two notes it just sounded over the top and cheesy in comparison.
anyway, glad your a fan. you mention a lot of bands/artists that i really like in your reviews
Wow, I'm absolutely in love with the sonics of this song. The intro reminded me heavily of Sweet Trip, then it kind of delved into some Slowdive-ish/MBV territory, but that's really where the comparisons end since it sounds incredibly unique. The grand sound of it all makes it sound almost cinematic, and the vocal layerings give it an alien/otherwordly quality. Loved it a lot, and the vocal melodies were really, really strong in the first half. Only issue is that I think the melodies meander a lil bit in the last quarter, but the sheer weight and aether present in the sonics made me not notice too much. Suuuuper good.
Wow, thank you so much! <3<3<3
I liked it! Very DJ Shadow-esque. Though I think some improvements could be made. Since this a very sample-based piece of instrumental hip hop, I would've loved to hear some more chopping and slicing of the JFK sample to create vocal hooks out of said sample, akin to something you'd hear on J Dilla's "Donuts" or "Since I Left You" by the Avalanches. Creative and unique sample slicing is what can make an instrumental hip hop piece in this vein much more memorable and effective. Aside from that, I would've also liked a bit more detail in the percussion, maybe adding more fills/ beat switch-ups to keep it engaging. Very nice start though, and I can tell you have a great ear for textures and soundscaping.
Wow! thank you! I admit I don't know yet on how to vocal slice... and a plenty of other stuff. I am just starting to grasp producing and I know I need to study more to make my music good.
Thank you for a helpful critique.
Can totally see this looping over a crime/noir type of game. Also, were those drums recorded live? They sound incredibly organic!
Thanks so much! This is going to be in a game actually but it won't be out for awhile. No, the drums are just samples from a jazz kit. They are compressed quite a bit and I have a ton of good room reverb on them, I like my jazz drums big if I can help it :)
I love how you took the organic intro of this track and seamlessly transitioned into a glitchy dream-pop vibe. Despite the electronic sound of the bulk of the track, it still manages to sound simultaneously woodsy and natural. Great job; making me nervous for the outcome of this competition, haha
Thanks! No need for nervousness, though. Everyone in this round has already come so far. At this point we can just be happy that challenges were met and enjoy having a supportive community. Competitions are arbitrary. I'm having a blast listening to what other people have come up with.
Music of mainly the guitar-driven variety. Also my stuff from 2014-2016 majorly blows since I was younger and a novice at this whole music thing. I don't recommend checking it out unless you're morbidly curious. Keeping up for the memories tho.
Age 25
Vancouver, WA
Joined on 5/25/14