From a production standpoint, this is insane. You clearly have a knack for producing hard-hitting, yet nuanced beats. Its reminiscient of Run the Jewels' production, and even a little bit of Death Grips, but at the same time its wholly unique and very much your own, in that it hearkens back to old school hardcore hip-hop and early Madvillain-era experimemtal. Lyrically, its pretty srong throughout and uses some rather vivid imagery, which i find to be pretty appropriate for the subject matter. I do feel, however you could've slipped in a lot more profanity to heighten the aggression a little bit, though i do commend your effort to retaining an intellectual vocabulary throughout. Also, my biggest problem with this song is that i dont feel that your rapping is on par with the stellar production. The flow is rather redundant and sloppy at times, though I dont think thats your fault sincr as a musician, you likely dont practice your rap technique all that much lol. Maybe once NGAUC is over, you can get a more experienced MC to rap over this phenomenal beat. And i know im not a judge or anything, but i feel like a track with this much potential deserves a full review. Awesome work, though. :^)